Honey and
food, life, ramblings

Saturday 20 September 2014

Plum-Almond Cake

So when we're not eating figs in this little flat at the moment, we're eating plums. B's mum sent us back to London with a huge basketful the other weekend which I immediately turned into a plum compote, and then regretted when I came across this cake recipe. So to the shops it was for some slightly-less wonderful plums to be mixed with almonds, baked, and devoured.

The 'topping' on this cake became a 'bottom' for me - it melted down until it hovered just above the plums. Recipe to be worked on over the next couple of weeks. I'll let you know if I manage to make it float. But the rest of the cake was fluffy and light and oh-so moreish. 

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