Honey and
food, life, ramblings

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Dan Lepard's Carrot, Orange & Pistachio Cake

It often happens that there's people coming round for a lazy lunch on a Sunday, I've already cooked everything I need to, but then I decide I need to make a cake too. Just in case....

Sunday, 27 April 2014

David Lebovitz's Pain D'Épices

I'm really not joking when I say I'm counting down the days to release of Lebovitz's new book. And here's proof. The second recipe of his that I have made in one week, retrieved...

Saturday, 26 April 2014


I have been raving to B about Kêu (a popular working lunch location), for a while now. So it was that after a long training run on Saturday morning that he insisted we drop...

Friday, 25 April 2014

5 Things

I can't believe this has only been a four day week. It feels like it's gone on forever.  But there has at least been 5 happy moments: 1. Bank holiday Monday 2. A post-work run in the park with B 3. Rye bread for breakfast 4. House of Cards 5. Easter chocolate  Time to smile - it's the weekend again! ...

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

David Lebovitz's Buckwheat Madeleines

I'm counting down to the release of David Lebovitz's new book like a kid counts down to Christmas. So when maman, the Queen of madeleines, suggested we make David's buckwheat...

Monday, 21 April 2014

Nigel Slater's Passionfruit Roulade

Easter Sunday is a time for a celebration meal. An extravagant one. One that doesn't happen often in the year. Christmas, Boxing Day, birthdays, and Easter. So it's no surprise...

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Rose Bakery Lemon Loaf

What do you do when it's a spring Satuday afternoon, you have people coming for tea, and no cake has been planned, no ingredients bought? Make lemon cake. Obvs. Not one of...

Friday, 18 April 2014

5 Happy Things

A four day week. Makes for a super busy four days, but a super relaxing four day weekend will make up for it.  5 happy things from this week: 1. Wearing sunglasses on the walk to work 2. Spring smells in Victoria Park 3. Strawberry tarts 4. Another lunch at On the Bab 5. Exciting news at work Happy Easter to you all! I hope it's filled with more chocolate than you can dream of....

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Franco Manca

We were the last ones to be squeezed into a table, right at the back, right next to the action, before the queue started. It was 7pm on a Tuesday night in April. If there is a queue...

Monday, 14 April 2014

Strawberry Tart

Inspired by the strawberry tart devoured last week in the mountains, I got home and set about making my own.  Lily Vanilli's ever trusted sweet pastry, with Leith's...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Village East at Bermondsey

To celebrate not doing the marathon this year, we went out for brunch.  Village East is the older sister of one of my favourite brunch hangouts, the Riding House Café....

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Strawberry Tart

A little note on French pâtisserie.  This strawberry tart was devoured one lazy skiing afternoon when the conditions had taken a turn for the worse and we retreated indoors....
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