Honey and
food, life, ramblings

Monday, 29 May 2017


With so many wonderful restaurants to choose from in this city, it’s rare to return somewhere multiple times. Rucola is top of our re-visit list (being only one block from our...

Sunday, 14 May 2017

5ive Spice

A restaurant with a number in its name, which serves a fusion of Vietnamese and Mexican food, should be a disaster. Somehow, 5ive Spice has achieved an impossible feat, and defies...

Saturday, 13 May 2017

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from the last 5 days: 1. Stuffed full of food after a Monday night with friends. 2. Reading. 3. Vitamix-ing breakfast. 4. Father John Misty blew my mind. 5....

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Should you spend the evening before a crazy fast 5k race drinking cocktails? Probably not. But Elsa had only just opened that Friday night, and we couldn't wait to go. So the...
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