Honey and
food, life, ramblings

Friday, 30 September 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from the last 5 days: 1. PB&J bagel breakfast. 2. Post-busy day debrief with B over a G&T. 3. Camomile tea accompaniment to phone calls. 4. Filling...

Monday, 26 September 2016

Moo Moo's Creamery, Cold Spring

Sunday was a perfect day. Fall has arrived in New York. The air is crisp, the skies are blue, there's a light breeze, the humidity has disappeared, and the leaves are gradually,...

Friday, 23 September 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from a challenging 5 days: 1. A double gin and tonic. It was necessary. 2. Lovely people responding to my emails. 3. Chocolate cake. 4. Tasting this crazy...

Monday, 19 September 2016

Levain Bakery

Levain Bakery is something of a New York institution. If you've ever walked past the line of people snaking round the block where this fabulous-smelling bakery sits on on the...

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Amy Ruth's

I had my first taste of fried chicken and waffles almost two years ago. It was a skeptical first bite, which soon had me grabbing for more waffles, more chicken, and more syrup....

Friday, 16 September 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from the last 5 days: 1. Post-work margaritas 2. Lunchbreaks with B at the new Cava Grill. 3. Stretching out my supremely tight hamstrings in yoga. 4. Stranger...

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Van Leeuwen Ice Cream

I have no idea how I have been living in my basement Brooklyn apartment for over a year now, and I haven’t told you all about one of the best things about it. There’s no doubt...

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Cava Grill

I have a new top lunch spot. My normal routine of rotating between the kale Caesar at Sweetgreen, a giant smoothie from Juice Generation, and a square of zucchini topped...

Friday, 9 September 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from the last 5 days: 1. Blueberry muffins for breakfast. 2. Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. Jet lag seems to be implementing in itself in a way that just makes...

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The Three Horseshoes, Madingley

You may or may not know that my family have always and forever been in the hotel and restaurant business. This probably goes quite far in explaining why...

Monday, 5 September 2016


Since we left London last August, we've been keeping tabs on all the new food-related openings, which restaurants have rave reviews, which ones have lines round the block, and...

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Shawarma Bar by Berber & Q

No matter how much we love our life in New York, London will always hold a supremely important place in our hearts. Coming back to East London is like returning to a food mecca...
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