Honey and
food, life, ramblings

Sunday, 31 July 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from the last 5 days: 1. Early morning outdoor swims. 2. Surviving a trip to the dentist. 3. Carrying iced coffee with me everywhere, thanks to my new hydroflask. 4....

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Zahav, Philadelphia

We booked B's birthday weekend away in Philly without checking the reservations at Zahav. Thankfully after a few panicked phone calls between the Zahav reservationist, me, and...

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Federal Donuts, Philadelphia

Michael Solomonov (aka the Philly restaurateur - the equivalent of Andrew Tarlow in Brooklyn, or Danny Meyer in Manhattan) opened the first Federal Donuts location with his business...

Friday, 22 July 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from this working week: 1. B made caponata and it was amazing 2. Listening to all the podcasts 3. Blueberry bundt cake 4. Lunchbreaks in the sunshine 5. Evening...

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Café Lift, Philadelphia

For two permanently hungry people, we're not very good at planning in advance, carrying food with us, or thinking about the consequences of our easily-too-low energy levels (grumpiness,...

Monday, 18 July 2016

CHeU Noodle Bar, Philadelphia

Given the terrible American laws (or lack thereof) on vacation days, a real, proper, holiday isn't on the cards this year. So you won't be getting any photos of me sipping margaritas...

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Magic Fountain, Long Island

At first glance, Magic Fountain looks like a terrible road side ice cream stop, which will serve sickly sweet, overly processed ice cream. The next time you drive past you might...

Friday, 15 July 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy moments from the last 5 days: 1. Celebrating B's birthday with homemade (by him) pasta, spritz, and cake. 2. Hunting down all the Pokémon. I'm obsessed. 3. Leftover...

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

North Fork Food Truck, Long Island

Our lunch on Shelter Island had succeeded in getting all of us totally hooked on this upmarket food truck scene. So the next day, we hunted down North Fork Table & Inn's food...

Saturday, 9 July 2016

North Fork Roasting Co, Long Island

North Fork is essentially a group of Brooklyn-ites, who drove out of the city, and sprawled themselves along one long road, weaving off on to side streets, and carried on living...

Friday, 8 July 2016

5 Things & 3 More

5 happy things from the last 4 days (Monday was a holiday so obviously that was pure happiness): 1. Walking into an air-conned room 2. Strawberries for breakfast 3. Early...

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Vine Street Café Food Truck, Shelter Island

A day trip to Shelter Island is an essential part of every Long Island holiday, whether you're staying in the North or South Fork. Hop on the ferry for the beautiful, and incredibly...

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Four and Twenty Blackbirds, Orient Village

I genuinely jumped for joy when B, doing his research the day before we left for Long Island, told me there was a Four and Twenty Blackbirds outlet a few miles from our AirBnb...

Monday, 4 July 2016

Love Lane Kitchen, North Fork

Apologies for yet another ginormous silence. Things have been busy in these parts. A crazy week of work and work events ended with a long weekend (four days - probably known...
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