When we decided that we'd be leaving London and moving to NYC, in between planning a move across the ocean, organizing a wedding, sorting out visas, and trying to carry on with...
I came home from the Farmers' Market on Saturday with a punnet of concord grapes. They looked so pretty, and I was sure I'd seen millions of recipes calling for these tiny little...
Normal meal times seem to fly out the window on the weekend in NYC. People are breakfasting any time between 7am and 9pm, brunch is an all-day affair, lunch can drag out from...
Sunday morning was spent sprinting round Prospect Park with B before heading up to Williamsburg to explore this ultra-hipster neighborhood.
We walked with our (absurdly...
I applied for my work permit almost as soon as we had a New York address. It was meant to take 3 months to arrive, but it turned up in my letterbox only 2 weeks after I sent off...
5 happy moments from this week:
1. Seeing the sunrise on the lake in Prospect Park
2. Lunching on banh mi with B
3. Hot coffee
4. Pink drinks
5. Running down hills
Yesterday I returned from the market with far too many plums. Although it was tempting to just throw them in the oven with some spices until they turned into a juicy compote (which...
There was a limit to the number of times I could walk past this pastel-colored, cake-filled window, with a sign hanging off it which simply reads 'Cookies'. This morning, as I...
Yesterday was a beautifully sunny, late-September Sunday. Summer is slowly slipping away from us here in NYC, and we were determined to make the most of this blue-skied day. After...