Honey and
food, life, ramblings

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Top with Cinnamon: Ricotta Hotcakes with Honeycomb Butter

It's no secret that ricotta is a favourite ingredient in these parts. So it's really quite astounding how 79 days passed since Top with Cinnamon published her recipe for Ricotta...

Friday, 24 April 2015

5 Things & 3 More

I'm just back from a hugely therapeutic week away: time with maman and papa, sleep and a little bit of sunshine are exactly what I needed. 5 happy moments: 1. Climbing volcanoes 2. Pretending to be on the moon (I think Lanzarote really is the moon) 3. Grilled fish 4. Sleep 5. Pimientos de Padrón And 3 things that I've read and think you might like to read too: 1. All about Ragú. I think...

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Pimientos de Padrón

Every night on this volcanic island that is Lanzarote, we have nibbled away at a plate of pimientos de padrón. B's request from the daily supermarket shop has been 'More pimientos...

Friday, 17 April 2015

5 Things & 3 More

I'm off abroad again. This time to find some sun. I promise I'll stay in the UK for more than 10 days after this little trip... 5 happy things from this short week 1. Turning our kitchen into a balcony 2. Bircher muesli 3. Mint 4. My walk to work 5. Bunny post-it notes And 3 things I've enjoyed reading: 1. I finally got round to reading Angelina Jolie's bold and brave 'Diary of a...

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Celebrating Saturday with Violet Cakes

After a few hours of intense yoga on a sunny Saturday morning, we were in need of an afternoon treat, to accompany a pot of tea and a whole load of exciting sporting events. There's...

Friday, 10 April 2015

5 Things & 3 More

It's Friday already. Aren't 4 day weeks just the best? 5 happy moments from a magically short week: 1. Sunshine at home 2. Easter egg hunt 3. Porridge 4. Light evenings 5. Seeing an old friend after a long, long time And 3 things I've enjoyed reading: Making fruity pebble meringues - how could anyone not enjoy these? Catching up on Food 52's podcast, Burnt Toast, a great new discovery. And...

Friday, 3 April 2015

5 Things & 3 More

The last week has been windy, snowy and chilly. And I'm feeling all the better for it. 5 happy things from 5 happy days: 1. Powder 2. Cheese 3. Snowflakes 4. Hot Chocolate 5. Baths And 3 things I've enjoyed reading in these lazy, post-skiing evenings (my alternative to après-ski): Did Andreas Lubitz commit suicide or mass murder? A novel angle from Slate. When I get home I will be...
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